Senior Citizens

Given that we are all living longer it is important that while we are able and active as senior citizens, we make appropriate provision for the future.

O’Brien Ronayne offer Legal Advice for Senior Citizens and Older Clients.

At O’Brien Ronayne we have a range of legal products and services that help our senior clients make provision and more importantly control their lives,  in the event of loss of mental capacity.

Enduring Powers of Attorney

An Enduring Power of Attorney is a document which allows an individual appoint another to look after their affairs in the event that they lose mental capacity. An Enduring Power of Attorney is put in place whilst a person is well and has full capacity. If the person never loses capacity the Enduring Power of Attorney is never used. If a person loses capacity, for example, develops Alzheimer’s Disease or Dementia the enduring power of attorney can in that case be used to deal with the person’s affairs without the necessity of a court application.


If a person has not made an enduring power of attorney and has lost mental capacity it may be necessary to have them made a ward of court in order to deal with their financial and personal affairs.

Elaine Wall has taken many wardship applications over the years and is experienced in dealing with these cases in a practical manner.  To contact her directly send Elaine an Email or call her.
  • Lifetime financial planning
  • Drafting, registering and objecting to Lasting Powers of Attorney
  • Court of Protection proceedings
  • Review of Care Plans and Care Service Providers
  • Choice of Care homes, funding options and Nursing Home contracts
  • Claiming and challenging HSE decision on funding
  • Living Wills and Advance Decisions
  • Trusted local contacts for services such as Financial Advice, Care etc

Personal Care Representative Applications

The Nursing Home Support Scheme Act 2009 is the Act which set up the Fair Deal Scheme that provides for financial support for people in need of nursing home care. Sometimes an individual is not capable of applying for the Fair Deal themselves in which case an application can be made to the Circuit Court appointing an individual (usually a relative) as a personal care representative.

The personal care representative can deal with all matters in relation to the Fair Deal Scheme. The question of long time care often arises when an individual has been admitted to hospital and the family need to make care arrangements. Having dealt with many such applications we are aware of the stresses that families are under at this time and provide practical, concise and clear legal advice.

Call now and let us advise you and your family or send us a confidential email.

If you need to make a will or discuss any matter in relation to probate, please read about our Wills and Probate Services and see if we can help.



Click here to contact us today! To discuss your case with a solicitor call us today on 1 800 444 332