Ex-stripper jailed over horror Tinder sex assault

Ex-stripper jailed over horror Tinder sex assault

A former stripper and dating show contestant who once streaked in Croke Park has been jailed for five years for a sex attack on a woman he met on dating app Tinder.

Dubliner Paul Flaherty (30) first made the headlines in 2007 when he did a charity fundraising streak at a match in Croke Park.

However, Flaherty, who previously appeared on TV3’s Take Me Out, was before the courts last week for a sentencing hearing after he was found guilty of sexual assaulting a woman at his home in Tallaght on August 31, 2015.

The attack was described in court as “disgusting” and “abhorrent”, while she said the attack “inflicted scars upon my mind that will never heal”.

The terrifying incident happened when Flaherty met the woman for a date after they made contact through Tinder.

After drinking together that day, the woman got a taxi with Flaherty to his parents’ house in Tallaght.

Source: Irish Independent