Couple in High Court row after getting divorced twice

Couple in High Court row after getting divorced twice

An estranged French couple became embroiled in a High Court row in London after getting divorced twice.

A High Court judge heard how Dominique and Doh Mensah had been granted divorce decrees in France and England and was asked to decide which order should stand.

Mr Mensah, who is in his 60s, said a decree made by a judge in a Paris suburb in 2015 should be upheld.

His ex-wife, who is in her 50s, said a decree granted in England in 2016 should be recognised.

Mrs Justice Theis, who analysed the case at a hearing in the Family Division of the High Court, has ruled in favour of Mr Mensah.

She decided that the earlier French divorce should be recognised and the English decree nullified.

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Original source: RTE